Kendall Jenner has spent the last year or two trying to be taken seriously in the modeling world and she has always said that being a reality star has actually made things even more difficult for her. While she appreciates that getting exposure while very young has helped her in some ways, it also has meant that she may really have had to work even harder in order to prove herself on the catwalk. If Jenner was looking for a reason to get out of the reality tv business she may have just been handed one. Scandalous rumors this week have insisted that the teen hooked up with Scott Disick while Kourtney Kardashian was pregnant. We're hearing that she is mortified enough to never pop up on another of the Kardashian reality shows again.

According to a report by Hollywood Life, Jenner wants to address everything, but Kris Jenner has told her just to make light of things. In her momagers' mind any publicity at all is a good thing. Unfortunately, she isn't exactly in agreement right now. While some say that it's ridiculous to think that Jenner would have hooked up with Disick, the fact is that the two of them have been super tight in recent months. They've been spotted out and about on numerous occasions and it's clear that a very good relationship has developed between them. Plus this is Disick we're talking about. He's not exactly the poster child for respectable behavior.

What do you think that the real story is here? Perhaps Jenner is the brightest in the family to step away from the reality world in favor of building a solid career. But what about those rumors? Do you think that maybe after a night of partying she might have actually hooked up with Disick? If so it seems like the kind of secret that they would both take to their graves, doesn't it? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!