Nicki Minaj is something of a social media Guru. Between her Halloween costumes and her on-point criticisms, she has earned her credit on the Internet. She is a frequent re-tweeter, sexual icon, and role model for many women. However, the rapper has been conspicuously absent from social media/press interviews in the last week, leading some to wonder where she dissappeared to.

According to MTV, Nicki's absence from social media is quite jarring considering her past proficiency. Speaking for MTV, Adam Fleischer wrote, "[Nicki's social media accounts] are like cheatsheets for staying on top of what and how Nicki is doing. But she's been absent for the last week, which made me wonder, Where are you, Nicki?" 

Fleischer isn't the only one worried about the rapper/businesswoman's absence. According to UrbanIslandz, a source close to the rapper said she was taking time off to focus on music and spend time in the studio. "After constantly being on the road and always working sometime you need to take some time off to work on your personal life," sources told us. "It has been a while since she take some time off to spend with her family and she is also doing some recording. It's that time when she is thinking about her next album and what she want it to sound like."

Nicki Minaj allegedly runs all of her social media accounts, and thus, if she is not active, neither are they. This news comes as the Trinidadian rapper is holding auditions for her upcoming ABC Family comedy series.

The source added, "There are some upcoming ventures that also requires some of her attention like her upcoming sitcom that she is executive producing with ABC."


Although the current Rap Queen may seem busy, she has always kept an extremely tight schedule and managed to connect with her fans via social media. This week of absence is certainly an anomaly for Minaj.

See More: Nicki Minaj