Tina Fey's Mean Girls musical receives rave reviews. The show features Erika Henningsen, Taylor Louderman, Ashley Park, and Barrett Wilbert Wedd as its main stars.

The series of shows are being staged at the August Wilson Theater, and the script for the Mean Girls Broadway musical was updated by Fey. The music score was done by her husband Jeff Richmond. The lyrics of the songs were written by Nell Benjamin.

Henningsen plays the role of Cady Heron, a character that was portrayed by Lindsay Lohan in the 2004 movie. Louderman gives life to the character of Regina George, who was portrayed by Rachel McAdams in the movie. Weed and Park portray the roles of Janis Sarkisian and Gretchen Wieners, respectively.

To see how the musical compares to the original 2004 Mean Girls, you can watch the original movie on Vudu since the film is unfortunately not available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. For those outside the US, they can watch the movie on Vudu with a VPN.

'Mean Girls' Broadway Musical Reviews

The New Yorker writer Michael Schulman reviewed the Broadway musical and praised how Fey adapted the movie for the stage play.

"I suspect that there's a little bit of both Cady and Regina in her - on 30 Rock, she managed to play the hapless heroine while literally running the show. And why not? She's the boss. After all, sometimes a Mean Girl is just a Nasty Woman in training," wrote Schulman.


Variety writer Marilyn Stasio said that fans of the Mean Girls movie would be pleased to know that the Broadway musical did not butcher the original story. The writer also said that no matter what happens in the play, the mean girls still outshined the good girls.

Tina Fey Admits To Being A Mean Girl

In 2014, Fey opened up about Mean Girls and said that she did not want to write a sequel. After all, her biggest concern is if anyone would still watch the movie. A year later, the actress admitted that the character of Regina was inspired by her own mean girl persona.

"I was the mean girl. I admit it openly. That was a disease that had to be conquered. It's another coping mechanism - it's a bad coping mechanism - but when you feel less than (in high school, everyone feels less than everyone else for different reasons), in your mind it's a way of leveling the playing field. Though of course it's not," said Fey.

Fey, who is a mom to her two daughters, also cautioned fans from people like Regina.

"Saying something terrible about someone else does not actually level the playing field. If I meet a girl of 14 or 15 today who is that kind of girl, I am secretly, in my body, afraid. Even though I'm 45," said the actress.