If you have extra space in your home, a bunch of instruments, or have talented children, you're at a stage where you need a music room in your home. It's not just about soundproofing it; it actually goes much deeper than that. 

You want your room to be inspiring, to be designed in a smart way, and to be very up-to-date. Technology is ever-evolving, but there's no harm in keeping up with it. Let's look at a few things to keep in mind when designing your new music room. 

Decide What it Will Be Used For

For music, obviously. However, think about what its purpose is before you start building it. Is it for practice? Is it for classes? Do you think you might perform there one day? Are you ever going to record your music there?

Its use will determine a lot of factors in its design, and deciding beforehand will save you a lot of money in the long run. Make sure you discuss the purpose of the room with everyone who's going to use it so that no changes have to be made in the future. 


This is especially true if you don't live in a big city where your neighbors are probably used to noise pollution. If it's going to be a practice room, then you want to make sure it's big enough for the entire band to set up their instruments and practice. 

If it's a studio where you and your band or family members are planning to record music, then it's crucial to put it in the attic or the basement, away from the street noise and other outside sounds. 

Lights On


Lights are an essential part of enjoying any musical experience. Be it a performance, a jam session, a practice, or a recording session, lights are imperative to enhance your experience. There are smart lights that can enhance the music room that you can view here

You definitely want to be able to control the intensity of your lighting. Overhead lighting has a tendency to blind everyone involved. Natural light is highly recommended. Nonetheless, nothing beats lights you can control. 

Adjustable floor lamps work wonders, because you can direct the light upwards, downwards, or wherever you want. Lights you can control with a phone app are the winner, though. You can change colors, make them brighter or darker, and direct them wherever you want. 

Don't Be That Neighbor

Nobody likes the noisy neighbor. You know, the one who practices all his instruments in the middle of the night. Make sure you soundproof your music room thoroughly. Think about your equipment before you soundproof. 

An amplifier, for instance, will require much more rigid soundproofing than anything else. Be aware that the materials you use for soundproofing might take up a lot of space. There are countless ways to soundproof a music room, but it's best to decide what you want to do with it and how much space you can give up for the parts. 

Furniture Placement 

If you plan to perform in the room and host an audience, you want to make sure you have enough space for people to sit or stand. If you're planning to just practice with the band, then you want to make sure you have space for everyone to keep their stuff. 

If your music room has a window, you want to be sure the sun doesn't shine directly into everybody's faces. Make sure you use up all of the room's elements to get the maximum potential out of your music room. 

We're Ready for the Next Freddie Mercury

There's nothing stopping you now. Remember, practice makes perfect, and a music room is a significant step towards practicing more and becoming a great musician. Once you've got your new music room set up, you can only go up from there. 

Having a smart room can change your life and even your career. Practice in it, use it to record, or perform in it. Either way, use it before you lose it. Make the most out of it, and make sure to be kind to your family and your neighbors.