• 'Love & Hip Hop Hollywood' Reunion Show Preview Clip Shows Masika Tucker and Hazel-E Still Feuding Over Yung Berg

    If you have followed VH1's "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood" over the last few months then you're already familiar with the bad blood that has been brewing between Hazel-E and Masika Kalysha Tucker. The ladies started off as friends but it didn't take long for Tucker to decide that Hazel-E's relationship with Yung Berg was pretty one-sided. He basically said what he needed to in order to get what he wanted out of her and then totally disrespected her whenever anyone asked about their status. Tucker ultimately made a beeline for her good friend Berg and after months of building a relationship, the new couple finally comes face-to-face with Hazel-E on the reunion show which begins airing on VH1 next Monday night.
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