• Is Amal Clooney Sick of George's Friends?

    We have heard right from the start that Amal Clooney was totally different from any of the other cookie-cutter women whom George Clooney was usually linked to. Most of his relationships over the last two decades seemed to have an 18-month expiration date, and while the ladies may have been hot, they brought little else to the table. Amal, to put it simply, does not need him. She has a career, money in the bank and an established circle of friends that existed before she met George. That means she is less inclined to put up with anything his previous women might have. Let's face it: As long as George was paying for luxurious trips, all of those other women probably did not complain about much of anything. Amal, on the other hand, is different. She knew George likes to have the guys around a lot, but she is reportedly beginning to get a little tired of always entertaining his motley Hollywood crew. According to a few sources, Amal prefers to align herself with fellow lawyers, scientists and doctors, so having to sit through too many evenings with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill is not her idea of fun.
  • Amal Clooney's the Most Fascinating Person of '14?

    Barbara Walters rolled out her list of "Most Fascinating People of 2014" last night, Dec. 14, and as usual there were some names on the list that were predictable. Of course, Taylor Swift made the cut after a bang-up year that saw her popularity rise even without a new guy on her arm. Names like Oprah Winfrey and Chelsea Handler were also fairly expected, but the name at the top of the list may not have been on the tip of many peoples's tongues. Amal Clooney, the woman who managed to change George Clooney's mind on just about every single thing he thought he wanted in his personal life, was named Walters's Most Fascinating Person of 2014. When it came time to introduce Clooney as her top selection, even Walters was not sure what to say. Sure, she is married to a famous man who is powerful in Hollywood, but Amal Clooney is a big deal in her own right. Her work as a human right's attorney has been praised by nearly everyone who has ever had an opportunity to work with Clooney. Declaring her fascinating just because of the man she married would have been almost a slap in the face, so Walters tread carefully.
  • Kaci Hickox, Nurse Tangled in Ebola Scandal, Breaks Quarantine after Insisting She Has No Symptoms, Ready to Go to Court to Fight for Human Rights

    Kaci Hickox believes the battle she is waging is not just about Ebola. She is the nurse who returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa just last week and, upon landing in Newark, New Jersey, she was taken to a medical detention center to be quarantined. The scuffle began because Hickox reportedly had an elevated temperature when arriving at the airport, and so she was immediately quarantined in a tent. Eventually, Hickox was allowed to leave and returned to her Fort Kent, Maine, home, where she is locked in a battle over whether or not she is a threat to the general public. She has broken quarantine and is willing to go to court over the matter.
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