Mark McGrath is alive and well following a death hoax that spread throughout the social media universe today, Feb. 26. According to The Huffington Post, the creative consultancy firm Prismatics sent out a press release saying that the Sugar Ray singer was dead. The company later clarified that McGrath was "shot" during an episode of Adult Swim's Hot Package.

Here's what Prismatics sent out initially about McGrath:

Musician Mark McGrath has died at the age of 46. McGrath was on set filming the second season of entertainment show Hot Package, when he was confronted by a masked gunman and shot several times. The former Sugar Ray frontman died in the arms of his co-host Derrick Beckles on the Hollywood set of the show.

In honor of Mr. McGrath's legacy, his team is asking in liu [sic] of flowers, fans post a Sugar Ray Selfie, holding a packet of sugar over their heart. #RIPMARKMCGRATH

When the hashtag started to gain some traction, Prismatics sent out a second message. The company said that McGrath was going to be shot in the season premiere. "It's important to note that Mark McGrath is alive and well in real life," the agency wrote.

TBS denied hiring Prismatics to promote the show. McGrath took to Twitter to assure fans that he was still alive.


Sugar Ray has three upcoming shows scheduled including two dates and March and one in June for the Mixtape Festival in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The group will join TLC and New Kids on the Block at the latter gig.