We may still be in the thralls of winter, but Mark Ronson and Tame Impala's Kevin Parker are bringing fans a bit of summer with their sexy new two-song music video for last year's Uptown Special songs "Summer Breaking" and "Daffodils" starring Snapchat personality and model Sarah McDaniel.

Rolling Stone premiered the music video, which overlays the two collaborative songs into one five minute video that has McDaniel sun bathing, hanging around some sketchy parts of town and taking a dip in the ocean.

McDaniel has seen some mainstream fame recently for her work for the cover issue of Playboy's first ever non-nude issue, which highlighted her Snapchat fame with a basic text overlay in the style of the app and a series of photos shot in a smartphone style.

The video starts off innocently enough with a tale of summer time fun as the jazzy calypso style beat of "Summer Breaking" sets the tone. However, as night falls and the electronic club beat of "Daffodils" comes in, the vibe instantly changes into a night of confusion and meetings in back alleys by trashcan fires. In a sort of baptism, McDaniel gets away from the pack and jumps in the ocean for an early morning swim.

"'Summer Breaking' is probably my personal favorite on Uptown Special," Ronson told Rolling Stone. "And seeing as Kevin and Tame Impala are so hot right now, we thought we could really make the most of this 'hotness' by making a video for not one but two of his songs from Uptown Special, 'Summer Breaking' and 'Daffodils.' Theo Wenner made a beautiful video that really captures (and goes beyond) what we were envisioning when Michael Chabon wrote those haunting lyrics."

Theo Wenner, a photographer for Rolling Stone who has worked with Adele, Miley Cyrus and Keith Richards in the past, directed the video.