What happens when you get Casting Crowns, Lecrae, Newsboys, John Gray, Ron Luce and Acquire the Fire in one place? You get SURGE - the power, the glory and the music.

SURGE isn't just a movie, it's a movement presented by Acquire The Fire and Teen Mania. And for two nights only (October 9 and October 16), the high-energy interactive event will fuse music, comedy, and inspirational messages in theaters across North America to create a moment for young people and those who believe in them.

The presentation will take viewers on an incomparable journey inside the Youth Group led by Casting Crown’s Mark Hall where the band will lead worship and share an exceptionally encouraging message for young people everywhere. Blended in the mix will be messages by Ron Luce that will empower and inspire, hilarious comedy from John Gray and musical performances by award-winning Christian artists Casting Crowns, Newsboys, and worship artists Acquire the Fire LIVE. To top it off, Grammy Award-winning artist Lecrae will debut his brand-new music video.

Over the last 25 years, Teen Mania has effectively reached more than three million teenagers through its annual 30+-city Acquire the Fire tour. For those who have never been to Acquire the Fire (or for those who just want more), this will be a wonderful event that will inspire as it lights a fire!