If you've ever wanted to be best friends with Tina Fey, a new viral video is only going to make that urge stronger. Today (July 29), an Instagram clip hit the net of Fey and her Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt co-stars Jane Krakowski and Titus Burgess singing along to Beyoncé's "***Flawless" on a private jet, and well, the clip is basically flawless.

Posted by Burgess to his Instagram (unfortunately, Fey does not have social media), the video kicks off with him sassing the camera, singing along to Beyoncé's 2013 hit. But as the song gets to its signature "I woke up like this" line, Burgess turns the camera to his co-stars, who start to lip sync along with perfect ennui and flawlessness.

But when Fey mimes along to "ladies, tell 'em," Burgess loses his cool, and the whole world becomes jealous of their plane ride.

#Flawless, indeed.