During her recent New York City book signing for How To Be A Bad B*tch, Amber Rose had an unpleasant encounter with activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Supporters of the notoriously-aggressive animal rights group, commonly known as PETA, ambushed the model while posing as fans.

Although the initial purpose of the event was to allow Rose to discuss her book with fans, things shifted to the Slut Walk hostess' fashion choices, namely her affinity for wearing fur. Since the incident, which took place on Monday (Oct. 26), videos footage has made its way to the Internet. In a clip, one woman can seen approaching Rose at the signing table looking as though she wants her literature autographed. She took the up close opportunity to ask Rose about her clothing.

“I want to know why you still promote the fur industry?,” she asked.

Soon thereafter, other protesters emerged, screaming chants like, “Amber promotes torture and death!”

The activists were reportedly escorted from the store following the incident. The appearance was set to include a conversation with Amber about the book.

As noted by Vibe, this was not Rose's first run in with PETA. Back in 2010, the organization slammed Rose and her then-boyfriend Kanye West on its website.


"The ethical dropout—who horrified voters in PETA’s Worst-Dressed Celebrity competition last year—and his sleazy sidekick, Amber Rose, were snapped by paparazzi strutting around Paris in 'the ugliest things,' indeed. Both were wearing head-to-toe fur, and Amber refused to remove her full-length lynx coat during a show at Paris Men’s Fashion Week."

Amber Rose's How To Be A Bad B*tch is available at book retailers now.

See More: Amber Rose