Now that CeeLo Green has plead no contest to drugging a woman via ecstasy back in 2012 without her consent, it seems The Voice star is trying to stay out of the spotlight for a little bit. At least, the social media spotlight, that is. The singer reportedly deleted his Twitter account (@CeeLoGreen) after tweeting some not-so-smart statements following his court appearance, according to NME.

Just after the plea, MusicTimes reported that Green went straight to Twitter to unleash a few opinions he had on the matter.

The former Gnarls Barkley frontman tweeted the following comments:

"People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!"

"If someone is passed out they're not even WITH you consciously! So WITH implies consent."

Other posts laid out, including conversations with a number of fans, were also rather questionable. 


Unsurprisingly, the tweets have since been deleted from the singer's account, as Music Times has also noted. When asked if he did delete the aforementioned tweets, the "F*ck You" musician explained, "Yes I did. I will not allow that negative energy to loiter on my time line u still got it so keep it! I'm deleting this too."

Yesterday, just before apparently shutting down his account, Green showed up again on Twitter with a much more positive outlook, saying, "I'd never condone the harm of any women."

Despite the post-Labor Day, cooler Green, however, his Twitter account still appears to be deleted.

So, was this the TBS' CeeLo Green's The Good Life star's doing, or was this at the urging of his people?