For nearly 30 years, The Choir has been sharing their faith through music. The first band to ever play at Cornerstone, they have been favored by mainstream media outlets from Billboard to the Los Angeles Times.

This month, Steve Hindalong, Derri Daugherty, Tim Chandler, Dan Michaels and Marc Byrd are asking for your help. They want to record two new albums - a studio album in December and January and then a live album in March. In order to be able to set aside the time to be in the studio without having to take frequent breaks to work on other projects that allow them to do things like eat and pay their bills, they are asking for donations from fans and those who have been touched by their music. With a base goal of $25,000, they will be able to fund both albums. Any overage will go toward marketing and touring (also expensive parts of making music).

The Kickstarter campaign kicked off yesterday (October 1, 2013) and in one day, 199 backers have already pledged $13,425! If they were to get that much in pledges every day of the 30-day campaign, they would have over $415,000 at the end of the month; that's a lot of touring and marketing!

Maybe the extraordinary fan support is because they make such awe-inspiring music. Perhaps it's because they are offering some really unique perks described by quirky package titles like the "ET Phone (or Skype!) Home Package." Most likely, it's a combination of both.

With donation amounts ranging from $1 (which will get you a "Virtual High Five") to $5000 (which, as the granddaddy of packages, not only lists you as Executive Producer, but actually includes you in the studio for three days and in discussions back and forth between band members about rough mixes, lyric ideas, artwork comps, song sequences and other important topics that go into making a great album).

Other perks found in between include ...

  • Digital Downloads
  • Studio stems
  • Stickers
  • Autographed CDs
  • Vinyl LPs
  • T-shirts
  • A custom voice-mail message recorded for you by the band member of your choice
  • A custom "de-plumed" recording of any The Choir, At The Foot Of The Cross, City On A Hill, Skinny or Derri solo song with a customized lyric that includes your name or soemthing personal about you. A phone call with Steve comes with that so he can find out what you would like included.
  • Time on one of the songs (If you play an instrument or sing, you can join the band in the studio for a day to be a part of the band, recording one of the new songs with them.)

See More: the choir, crowdfunding