Kings of Leon take it to the Mechanical Bull rodeo for real in the music video for its new single "Beautiful War." The rock ballad and follow-up to "Supersoaker" gets a fittingly Western-influenced treatment in an epic story of jealousy, murder and bull riding.

The nearly seven-minute clip stars Tron: Legacy actor Garrett Hedlund, who gets into a brotherly quarrel over a woman after the three head out to a country bar. Things get elevated and go way too far and Hedlund ends up killing the other man and promptly is taken to jail.

There, he is seen as fresh meat to all the prisoners, what with all that pretty, flowy hair. In some bizarre Southwestern tradition, however, Hedlund takes his bar riding mechanical bull skills to the real prison rodeo, winning over the hearts of the massive audience and stern warden alike.

The cinematic treatment is fitting for the beautiful ballad, which is a highlight of KOL's sixth studio album. Dialogue is interspersed with the music to highlight the true drama of the fight, and Hedlund acts as the downtrodden prisoner with total care.

The Followills of Kings of Leon do not make an appearance in the video.

Watch "Beautiful War" from Kings of Leon below:


"Beautiful War" is the second single from Kings of Leon's most recent album Mechanical Bull, which hit store shelves back in September.