Reports from this week indicate that Disney is looking to develop a remake of Sister Act, the 1992 smash hit starring Whoopi Goldberg as false nun under government protection, who organizes her fellow sisters into a singing sensation. The new script will be handled by Karen McCullah and Kirsten Smith, the duo between acclaimed comedies such as Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, and She's The Man.

No cast decisions have been made but it's safe to assume that Goldberg won't be returning as Delores Van Cartier. That said, don't be surprised to find the actress in a minor role, or something behind the scenes. When the film was adapted for a stage musical on London's West End during 2009 and on Broadway during 2011, Goldberg served as a producer. She also starred in the role of the Mother Superior for a month during the British rendition.

Either way, it's a risky bet on Disney's part. On one hand, reinventing a well-known comedy could potentially bring in the big bucks. After all, the original brought in $230 million, but whether fans will appreciate new talent in the roles that they've had 23 years to appreciate is another question. It's tough to imagine someone "replacing" Goldberg so the writers will almost be forced to alter the character.

One dream casting: A young Lauryn Hill appeared at the age of 18 in the sequel (Sister Act 2: Back in The Habit)...but that was far before she gained traction in the music industry with The Fugees. She hasn't exactly shown much interest in the film world since.

Another star that a new generation of fans would appreciate seeing returning: Maggie Smith was no small fry when she starred as the Mother Superior, but her recent work as Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter film series and as Violet Crawley on Downton Abbey, the recent cult smash on PBS.