If you didn't already love Brad Paisley, get ready to fall in deep with this guy...

This past Sunday, the country star found a number of Westboro Baptist Church protesters filling up one of his shows (outside the venue) in Bonner Springs, Kansas, displaying signs disapproving of drunks... which is funny considering the fact that Paisley is known for not drinking.

Regardless, the protesters were there for some perplexing reason, but it didn't stop Paisley from having a bit of fun. The musician took to social media and posted, "Westboro Baptist Selfie!! Or west-Burro(ass) selfie. Hopefully they can hear the show out here. We'll play loud," along with the below picture of him in front of the picketers.

From the looks of it, it appears the protesters themselves couldn't help but get a little excited once Paisley made his way up to them outside the Cricket Wireless Amphitheater. Check out the ear-to-ear smiles.

It seems safe to say the reason for the "God Hates Drunks" signs being there was in reference to one of Paisley's popular tunes, "Alcohol." But the "Sin Breeds Violence" and "God Controls All" signs? Well, who knows!


This isn't the first time the Church has protested outside of a concert. They've famously picketed a Lorde show, also in Kansas, and claimed the singer was "teaching young people how to be indolent rebels." The extremists also made headlines last September while picketing a Vince Gill show in Kansas City, expressing their anger with Gill divorcing his wife and then remarrying.