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Music is known to be a "medicine for the soul". Everyone is trapped unexpectedly in quarantine in this unusual time of unprecedented pandemic, heavily affecting aspects of people's lives and mental state.

Each individual has varying approaches and methods in dealing with the stress and anxiety caused by the daily bad news heard every day. Adding to this is the mandatory physical distancing that keeps us away from our loved ones. Yet it has been proven time and again that music is powerful in shifting a person's moods and the powerful psychological effects it emanates.

Below is a list of several mood-boosting songs that you can turn up the volume. Let the beat and the words divert the lingering negative thoughts and make you look forward to the better days ahead.

"Survivor" by Destiny's Child

"Survivor," released in 2002, is a track from "This is the Remix" album. The song contains fierce words that speak not only about surviving. The signature song encourages one not to give up, almost sounding like a battle cry.

"High" by Lighthouse Family


"High" perfectly summarizes what everyone is anticipating for - that someday it will all be over. It anticipates the day "we're gonna get so high."

"Fight Song" by Rachel Platten

The Rachel Platten single has become an anthem of several trending videos. The footages show people cheering on the frontline workers in the unseen war against COVID-19.

"Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson

The song from American Idol winner resonates well with COVID-19 patients who have successfully recuperated: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley

The 1977 Bob Marley classic reminds everyone to not worry about a thing and "everything is going to be alright." It offers some comfort at a time when everything in the world seems to be going wrong. The song was inspired by the reggae group The Threes.

"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor

A female-empowerment anthem, "I Will Survive" is also very relevant at a time like this when most people struggle for survival. Over the years it has become a staple on the playlist of anyone who needs a little push to keep one's self going.

"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen

Based on a scientific study conducted by the University of Missouri, "Don't Stop Me Now" was found to be the "happiest song on earth."

"Moby Dick" by Led Zeppelin

The instrumental "Moby Dick" features a lengthy drum solo by drummer John Bonham. The track is supported by scientific research of claims that it makes the listener very happy.

"First Breath After a Coma" by Explosions in the Sky

Another instrumental, which reportedly creates musical chills, trigger the production of dopamine causing physical changes in the heart rate, breathing, and temperature. Get a dose of this musically-induced high from this performance.

Is your favorite song included in the list? It does not matter if it failed to do so. According to psychological studies, just listening to songs you love will make the brain release more dopamine. Along with basic necessities like food and a healthy routine, a good playlist counts as one of the essentials. Share your playlist with everyone you know. Now is also a great time to be discovering new music and acquiring new tastes.

See More: quarantine, music