Miley Cyrus is ending the year with a new video, which features her in her underwear, reaching for places on her own body that we would probably rather not see. After "Wrecking Ball" bared all, stripping down to her undies is not even considered a shocker. And that's sad ...

Only one day after the music video for "Adore You," was "leaked" early, it has already garnered over 11 million hits on YouTube. Why? Because a. people are dying to know how she topped the music video for "Wrecking Ball" and b. they've probably heard that she is in her underwear, groping herself for the world to see.

Fox News calls it "her raciest video yet." Hollywood Life says that going naked was "the wrong move." MTV's Buzzworthy calls it "casually masturbatory." I just call it "sad."


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