(Photo : New Release Tuesday)
Love & The Outcome has announced what their second single off their self-title debut will be ... “King Of My Heart” will be heading to radio soon.

Chris shared the inspiration behind their song, saying, "Like David, we all face battles that threaten to overtake us. In the midst of selling everything we owned and setting out on the road, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We decided to postpone all of our shows to go back to Canada to be with her. That whole year took us to our breaking point, but that’s right were our Savior met us." Jodi added, "Paul encourages us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that in our weakness, God is strong. So when you’re up against your Goliath and when you feel yourself falling to pieces, just remember that the King of your heart is bigger than the battle you’re facing."

Love & The Outcome is currently on tour with Winter Jam.

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