Whether you have moved for your job, your family, or because of someone else, you are going to have to deal with a lot of the stresses of relocating far away from your old home and life. 

While you might be able to stay in touch with your old network and might not even have to lose it, you will also find that you've got the opportunity to build an entirely new network of people who can grow alongside you in the new location.

If you love working with local musicians, then you are in luck because nearly every single town is crawling with them, and you can find a great many of them without having to look very hard. You just need to make sure that you know how to build those strong connections in your new network, and here's what you need to know.

Go Where The Music Is

While you can (and should) put posts on social media, hang signs at local music stores with permission, and ask around to see if you can find where the musicians of the area hang out, simply waiting for someone to respond and show interest in joining your network isn't going to be the best way to get them to come into your circle.

Instead, you need to go where the music is and actually be active in talking to musicians and making sure that they get to know you. Often the best way to do this is to compliment them on their music, because nothing gets a musician happily talking to you than talking about the music they play.

Don't be afraid to be the first one to strike up a conversation, and don't be afraid to try and build rapport and just hang out. Then see if you can get or give contact information, and move on to the next musician. By the time the day is done, you might already have the beginning of a network.

Find Musicians Who Play Like You

Often, many musicians will have websites or social media pages where they post some of the tracks they've completed or samples of them playing. Give them a listen and if you find any pieces of music that not only sound good, but that are also similar to the type of music you play, don't be afraid to shoot them a message.

Mention that you liked the track and try to get a conversation going. Again, you don't want to jump into trying to add them to your network right away, but you can at least plant the seed for a future friendship and collaboration down the line. After all, networks do form rather quickly.

Building A New Network Doesn't Need To Be Hard

Just like how you looked around and found unbiased reviews of top coast to coast movers whenever you moved, you need to look around and put yourself where the musicians are. 

Whether it is events with live music, finding cover bands practicing in gigs, or just walking around and seeing what the street musicians in the town are like, you will find more than enough people to start up a real network without any trouble.

Pretty soon you will have an amazing new network of some great local musicians and you will always have people to talk to about new songs and the industry as a whole. Or at least you have more than a few people to jam with the next time you want to break out your instrument of choice and start playing!

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