• Cosby Breaks Silence Amid Scandal, Plays Race Card to Divert Attention

    While women seem to have come pouring out of the woodwork to make allegations against Bill Cosby, for the most part he has stayed tight-lipped. Obviously his legal team has advised him that it is probably in his best interest not to comment, but last Friday Cosby spoke with a Page Six reporter and in the matter of just a few words attempted to play the race card. Cosby has requested that, in spite of all the allegations, the media do their job and remain neutral while covering this scandal and its daily updates. Apparently, Cosby does not expect the majority of the press to be able to do that, as he said, "Let me say this. I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that you have to go in with a neutral mind." It is more than a little bit ironic that Cosby opted to make a statement that would separate journalists by color, especially at this point in time when racial tensions are perhaps at an all-time high thanks to high-profile cases in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York City. Cosby knew what he was tapping into when making that statement, and it also links to a bigger issue that is playing out in the form of protests all over the country.
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