• Incubus Releasing 2 EPs in '15, Signs with Island Records

    Alt-rock band Incubus has not released a new album since 2011's "If Not Now, When?," but according to guitarist Mike Einziger, the band has some new music on the way for 2015. In an interview with "Billboard," Einziger revealed that Incubus has signed with Island Records, but instead of releasing a full-album, they will be releasing two new EPs in 2015. "We're hoping to have the first one in February or March," Einziger says, "then the summer." These EPs will be Incubus's first releases since parting ways with Epic Records in 2012 and were recorded without any idea of how they would be released. "We didn't have any plans to make this record," Einziger says. "Just having no horizon to look at was important to us. We needed that." As to how the music on these EPs compares to their previous releases, Einziger says that most of it is "high energy" though still fairly eclectic.
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