Kaskade is one of America's most accomplished DJs, but he's managed to balance mainstream success with independent production for most of his career. That will change on his next two albums, which will be published by Warner Brothers as opposed to the slew of indie labels Kaskade typically works with.

It sounds like he finally gave in to the hundreds of labels trying to bang down his door.

"With how freaking crazy ridiculously hot electronic music is at the moment, I don't even know how many labels I've spoken with over the last two years, really," he told Billboard. "I think people knew that my current deal was coming to an end because I do a lot of remix work for different labels, and they're always asking me what's next. These kinds of conversations are always happening."

Kaskade (birth name: Ryan Raddon) will likely have new material ready for the public by the end of the year.

"I'm super anxious to get material out there," he said. "I don't have an album completed, but I spent most of 2014 in the studio so there will be new music in 2015 for sure. It's premature to say when, exactly, but this is the primary reason the deal happened. To get new music out."

Still, he makes sure to mention he was "cautious" about switching from independent releases to a major label.


"It was important to me that my voice not be lost, and that anyone I was going to do business with understood that I enjoy songwriting, I singing, writing and producing," he said. "I don't need the factory behind me, I just need someone to help me get my music heard by as many ears as possible."

That shouldn't be a tall task for an EDM icon with two Top-20 Billboard albums under his belt.

See More: DJ Kaskade