Yesterday Eminem teased a clip for the Rihanna-assisted "The Monster." Today, he released the full video. In it, Rihanna plays Em's therapist, trying to help him confront the skeletons in his closet.

The Rich Lee-directed video begins with him in her office as a metronome ticks. He sits in front of a TV that replays scenes from his life. A video camera records his physical responses to the footage, and Em sits back and closes his eyes. We then see him wrapped in a straight jacket while rapping about his past.

Scenes alternate from 8 Mile, to a cage, to his Grammy performance with Elton John (possibly a recognition that he isn't homophobic despite his use of the other "F" word on his album) to a free fall from the top of a building. It ends with Eminem leaving his past self behind in a cage with gunmen pointing rifles at him.

Watch the video for yourself here, and let us know what you think in the comment section below!

See More: Eminem, Rihanna, Elton John