Musician Micah Nelson and Garth Brook join trend of performing online for their fans. 

Musician Micah Nelson says in an interview with the Rolling Stone that the recent pandemic can be an opportunity for a "rapid revolution" as he claims that he is seeing a silver lining in it. 

(Photo : Suzanne Cordeiro and Shutterstock via Rolling Stone)
Musician Micah Nelson performing in his concert

Micah is with other musicians who are supposed to go to The Luck Reunion music festival in Texas organized by Willie Nelson in his ranch, but the event was canceled due to the pandemic. In the interview, he talks about the measures he is taking along with his family in Austin. He is now making live performances on social media.

Nelson's Life in Quarantine

"Many positive silver-lining things are happening, like precious ecosystems finally getting some time to regenerate. It's like the Earth is getting a few days off from being pillaged for a change," Nelson says in the interview. He mentions that he is now growing food in their ranch and doing some beekeeping and worm composting, which he enjoys doing during his free time, but something he couldn't do before the crisis becuase of his gigs.

He further explains that the recent crisis is a "wake-up call" for humans to realize what they had done with the environment. Meanwhile, he expresses sympathy for the homeless people caught in the middle of the crisis.


He is now also currently working on the Particle Kid album and is making live performances through social media since his concert was canceled.

Garth Brooks

Aside from Micah Wilson, country music legend Garth Brooks announces that he will be doing a live performance from his home via Facebook Live for his fans who are now on lockdown.

(Photo : fatherspoon via Flickr)
Country musician Garth Brooks in his own live concert

He is now in his home in Florida, making live concerts for his fans who are affected by the virus containment, and he is helping them to cope up with the situation. He is one of the stars who are making home performances due to a ban on mass gatherings like concerts.

He says he will be accompanied by his wife Trisha Yearwood.

"We'll see if we can't maybe talk the queen into showering up, and makeup and all of that stuff," Brooks said in the interview by KDVR. He also said that he is open to requests from his fans on his page.

His concert will take place on Monday, March 23 at 6pm Central Time.

Brooks and Nelson are not the only ones who have decided to make live performances from the comfort of their homes due to quarantine measures. Musicians Chris Martin of Coldplay, John Legend, Miley Cyrus, and many others are now also doing live shows on various platforms online.

David Foster also announced that he is also doing a live performance alongside Katherine McPhee due to the said pandemic.

COVID-19 Update

As of writing, there are now 276,462 confirmed cases around the world, with 11,417 deaths. Italy is now the new epicenter of the virus. In the United States, there are now 19,773 cases with 275 deaths.