Though this new "ARTPOP" single is set for release on August 19, Lady Gaga's "Applause" was leaked in snippet form this weekend and the singer is not happy. The pop singer, who is coming off a hiatus due to surgery and recovery, pleaded with her fans through Twitter to report any of the leak links to her record label and her "monsters" heeded her call. Thanks to her fan base, an anti-piracy campaign focused on the leak of "Applause" has emerged and is making a difference.

This is kind of a strange reaction from fans in the music industry. You would think that they would be happy to hear the song a little earlier than expected, right? Well these "monsters" are too dedicated to Lady Gaga to act like normal music fans it seems. Here are some Twitter posts from fans in regards to reporting the leak links:

@Gaganoosh @ladygaga @DJWS I reported about 500 links tonight. I think that deserves a follow!

- Paul | Lady Gaga (@MonsterStarGaga) August 11, 2013

Applause full studio version!!! - $cOTt. (@MarinasMonster) August 12, 2013



- GagaFreshNews (@GagaFreshNews) August 12, 2013

It is rumored that Interscope Records may release 'Applause' sooner due to the recent filtrations and leaks. - ʟᴀᴅʏ ɢᴀɢᴀ (@monsterkid) August 12, 2013

Do NOT report the account leaking Applause, if it gets suspended Gaga's team won't be able to track the leaker down!

- Tobey | Lady Gaga (@tobeymonster) August 11, 2013

Just release Applause on iTunes already before the leaks destroy the comeback... @Interscope @ladygaga - Lady Gaga Quotes (@LadyGagaQuotes) August 11, 2013

Gosh, don't feel bad if u'd already heard the leaked APPLAUSE snippets tho. Just stfu because GAGA WILL STILL SLAY THE MUSIC CHARTS

- Skye Claxton (@_NKyx) August 12, 2013

Applause Leaked again. PLEASE REPORT IT TO UMG. - APPLAUSE (@hausofsarun) August 12, 2013

See More: 'ARTPOP', Applause