Casey Darnell, North Point Music Worship Leader, husband and dad shares Christmas memories and traditions.

Kim - If the birth of Christ was now - in our lifetimes - and you followed the star, how would you get there and what gift would you bring?

Casey - I would drive my mini-van first of all as opposed to a camel... and having a baby currently, I'd bring diapers, wipes and a baby Bjorn just for practicality sake, cause let's be honest, as parents we all know it's the simple things that are the best gifts. But seriously, as a means of showing worth and honor, a blanket my wife made that means a lot to us. And I'd prob leave the minivan there too!

Kim - What is the one Christmas carol that you would like to able to sing year-round?

Casey - "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas." It brings such a sweet spirit with it.


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