Drake's "Hotline Bling" is perhaps the fastest and most parodied music video in recent memory, from Vines to memes and gifs flooding the Internet. So, it was all too obvious that the comedic team at Saturday Night Live would take a swing at it with this week's host, Donald Trump.

Like most parodies, SNL made fun of Drake's dance moves, comparing them to the skill level of dads, teachers, over zealous sports fans and your local tax guy, played by none other than the Republican presidential candidate himself.

SNL cast member Jay Pharoah played Drake defending his dance moves, which he gave odd names to such as "the sneaky fish" and "the miracle whip."

But, of course it was Trump who was going to be the one to steal the show. Dressed in an ugly, boring grey suit, Trump moved his hips and shimmied awkwardly with the rest of the SNL cast. Martin Short even joined the cast to resurrect his classic character Ed Grimley, who performed his classic goofy dance in the video. Watch the clip below.

SNL this week came back with a strong performance from musical guest SIA, as well as a number of music based skits including one in which Trump played a fraudulent record executive and one where he looked like a Sith lord playing a laser machine in a solo heavy band that wasn't giving him enough stage time.


The women of the cast also took a shot at a new digital short, which parodied M.I.A.'s "Bad Girls" music video. Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, Sasheer Zamata, Leslie Jones, Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon repeated the song's chorus "live fast, die young, bad girls do it well," while performing extremely remedial tasks such as asking for a free water at a fast food place, but actually pouring a lemonade. The skit was actually one of the shows higher production videos with fast cars doing donuts in a construction yard and flames shooting into the air.

Watch the video below.

See More: Drake, Donald Trump, SNL