When you consider all the rappers active in the game today, there are quite a few that seem capable of organizing a massive hip-hop celebration. It was Drake however that packed huge names into Toronto's Molson Canadian Amphitheatre for the annual October's Very Own Festival. 

The most prominent of his guests was Kanye West, who made one of his first performances since the birth of his daughter last month. The rapper performed "New Slaves" and "Can't Tell Me Nothing," but spoke to the crowd in much more positive terms. West paid homage to Drake's body of work, and it's always a surprise when West compares anyone to himself. 

"Me and Hov would have never made 'Watch The Throne' if this n---a wouldn't have been pushing on us like that," West said, flashing a smile. 

Perhaps even more surprising was the performance of Young Money head honcho Lil Wayne. Recent reports have suggested that Wayne and his protege have been in a spat, perhaps even coming to blows, but the pair put rest to that notion by teaming up onstage during "The Motto," "HYFR" and "Love Me." Drake called Wayne "the best rapper alive" and told the crowd "I'mma be riding with this man until the end of time!"

Another highlight was the return of some retro acts. Diddy and Ma$e performed together, including '90s staples "Mo' Money Mo' Problems" and "It's All About The Benjamins." TLC also played, featuring only Chili and T-Boz, and not Lil Mama in place of Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes as in previous performances this year.