Little Monsters everywhere might be a bit confused. Lady Gaga, in a lead up to her ARTPOP release, has changed her Twitter profile pic back to the default egg pic and updated her bio to read as follows.

"This interface has been shutdown temporarily. Please check back for updates."

It is likely that this is all a stunt to help build buzz on the lead up to ARTPOP. After all, as Mashable points out, Lady Gaga has a history of egg imagery with her releases. (Still, it takes gumption to walk away from 38 million followers).

In another surprising twist, Gaga's male alter ego Jo Calderone tweeted for the first time in almost two years.

Everybody needs somebody. I'm somebody. Need your body.

- Jo Calderone (@JoCalderone) July 4, 2013


- Jo Calderone (@JoCalderone) July 4, 2013

That's right, when Lady Gaga's gender-bending Twitter account tweets a smiley face, IT GETS RETWEETED OVER 5,000 TIMES.

What do you think of this move from Lady Gaga?