Iggy Azalea has never had the best time on Twitter. From feuds with Azealia Banks to lengthy rants about ex-boyfriends and privacy, the "Trouble" rapper has caught plenty of flack on social media. Now, after one media outlet poked fun at the big "Booty" rapper for having a bit of cellulite, she's calling it quits from the Internet for the time being.

Azlaea announced that she'll be turning over her social media accounts to her management beginning today (Feb. 19). Despite the occasional tweet signed "IA," her Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will now be used for promotional purposes.

The straw that broke the camel's back? TMZ. On Wednesday (Feb. 18), the gossip site posted a video where its employees analyzed photos of Azalea in a bikini while on vacation with her boyfriend Nick Young, guessing whether or not the cellulite on her behind was from natural fat or "deflated implants."

The video (which is sexist and disgusting) finally got to Azalea, making her call the Internet "the ugliest reflection of man kind" before she logged off Twitter for the time being.

She admitted that spending too much time online and hearing all the criticism that comes her way was making her an "angry person" and that she needed to separate herself from the negativity.


See More: Iggy Azalea