One Direction has wrapped up its On The Road Again Tour in North America, and U.S. Directioners are mourning the fact that this may be the last time the band will his American soil for quite some time. As 1D's 2016 hiatus looms not too far in the distance, on Monday (Sept. 14), fans of the "Drag Me Down" group took to Twitter with the hashtag #WeWillMeetAgain1D to celebrate the band and say "see you later" instead of "goodbye."

One Direction played its last North American show on Saturday (Sept. 12) outside of Boston and it's the band's last U.S. show for the foreseeable future. Despite releasing a new album before the end of the year, the band has promised an indefinite hiatus beginning in March 2016, and it's likely that the follow-up to 1D's FOUR will see much, if any, promotion following its release.

In order to mourn the final leg of One Direction in America and to celebrate the band's impact, fans gathered the best way they know how: by getting the top trend on Twitter. Using #WeWillMeetAgain1D, fans shared memories and hoped to see One Direction again someday, somewhere.


See More: One Direction