Kanye West recently explained his message at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards speech on Sunday in New York City. According to the "Fade" rapper, his speech was all about loving one another.

During the awards show, West was given the stage to introduce his newest music video for "Fade." Before showing the clip, he talked about the concept of fame. He connected the subject to the controversy caused by his music video for "Famous," which features the likeness of various celebrities including Taylor Swift, Ray J, Donald Trump and Amber Rose.

Like the song, his speech during the event also became controversial after he referenced some of the people who were used in the video. In a recent interview with TMZ, West noted that the point of his speech is about people loving each other.

"It's too scary a concept, man," he told TMZ. "Just love each other. That's the whole point I wanted to make. Just that we need to love each other, have a good time, appreciate our time on life and do everything we can to have the best time possible."

Aside from explaining his speech at the VMAs, West also discussed his plan to end bullying during his interview with TMZ. According to the rapper, he wants to implement school uniforms in Chicago to end "classism and bullying."


This was not the first time that the rapper talked about ending bullying by giving kids the opportunity to wear similar clothes. Back in May, when he was a guest at The Ellen Degeneres Show, West revealed that he called the CEO of discount footwear retailer Payless to market his Yeezys brand, according to People.

According to the rapper, selling his signature shoes at discounted prices could be his first step in ending bullying.