The last few years have seen unprecedented times that have had a massive impact on the music industry. But out of the darkness we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel and, with that, people doing their bit to help the community. One example of this is new music database MusicMissile. We invited co-founder Daniel Hodson to write a guest blog on the music network...

Throughout the current pandemic, life as we know it has drastically changed, and we've all had to adapt to a new 'normal'. Consequently, the music industry is suffering badly, affecting artists and bands worldwide, alongside teams working behind the scenes, and many other areas of support.

To mention a few of us that have been hit the hardest, consider booking agents, music promoters, tour managers, roadies, and even manufacturing industries supplying sound and light rigs, who have had to shut their doors. In 2020, the Musicians Union (UK) found that 36% of bands, artists and musicians, in general, did not have any form of work or activity to sustain an income, this trend was similar across the globe, created a knock-on effect for all of us working in the industry.

(Photo : MusicMissile)

With this awful news in mind, Daniel and Matthew Hodson, a brotherly duo who are not strangers to the live-music circuit, set to work on creating something positive; a networking tool that would help emerging bands and artists around the world, both during and after the pandemic.

Introducing MusicMissile: the largest global directory of music industry contacts. We are striving to develop a community of members that share a mutual vision in supporting a more modern, educated and connected industry. MusicMissile is the biggest centralised database for music industry professionals, collating over 17,000 contacts. We have the following available:

- Music Managers

- Record Labels

- Booking Agents

- Promoters

- PR/Marketing Agencies

- Media

- Festival Organisers

- Social Media Influencers

So, whilst bands and artists can't tour, at least they have a user-friendly, centralised platform to network with the likes of music managers, record labels, booking agents, and more.

There are plans to develop and grow the platform by providing a unique opportunity to our valued members: frequent guest webinars, hosted by some of the biggest and most successful names in the music business, giving first-hand advice and insight into their professions.

The principle behind MusicMissile was - and still is - to help anyone working in the music industry. In particular, those that are hoping to expand their contact base. Whether you're in a band, an artist, or you work behind the scenes in the music world, MusicMissile has the information you need to reach out to the music industry and grow.

With the music industry currently on its knees, we believe there has never been a better time than now to network, develop, and most of all, help one another.

(Photo : MusicMissile)

So, what are you waiting for? Launch your music mission with us today at MusicMissile. For any queries, please email

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