• Jenna Coleman Will Return to 'Doctor Who' as Clara Oswald

    Fans of BBC's "Doctor Who" were given one of the best Christmas gifts possible within the show's holiday special. While it certainly looked like Clara Oswald's time with the Doctor was coming to an abrupt end, it is just the opposite. Clara will continue on as the Doctor's companion for another season, which means Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman will be sharing screen time for several more episodes. After it was revealed that their storyline together is not quite finished yet, Coleman explained her reasons for sticking around and how working with two different Doctors — Capaldi and Matt Smith — has made it interesting. "I get a whole other series of stories with the Doctor and I couldn't walk away with the story being unresolved. I think they've finally just reached a point where they really understand each other. The arrival of the 12th Doctor has just kind of dropped this whole bombshell and allowed the dynamic to totally change. So I think just when Clara was feeling more comfortable in the relationship, it has suddenly thrown something new up," says Coleman.
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