• 5 Musical Misremberings: Vanilla Ice, Nicki Minaj and More Astonishing Misleading Music Stories a la Brian Williams

    Brian Williams has been having a bad last few weeks but you can't say he didn't have it coming: The NBC Nightly News host has taken a six month unpaid suspension with regard to a "misremembering" he reported, claiming to have been aboard a helicopter shot down by an RPG during his coverage of the Iraq war more than a decade previously. To what extent his story is false remains to be seen—was the helicopter right in front of him the one to actually be brought down, or was he more than half an hour behind?—but let it be known that we wasn't the first, nor probably the last celebrity, to tell a fat one. Here are but five musical performers who wove tall tales, some of which weren't figured out for quite a while.
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