• NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman Facing Credibility Issues, May Lose Job After Violating Ebola Self-Quarantine

    Nancy Snyderman's mandatory Ebola quarantine is set to end early this week, but her problems may just be beginning. NBC's chief medical editor was with ABC before hopping over to NBC in 2006, and over the years she had become a trusted voice in educating the public about a variety of medical topics. She and her crew were in Liberia reporting on the Ebola crisis when a cameraman, Ashoko Mukpo, contracted the virus. In response to his diagnosis, Snyderman told viewers she and the rest of her team were returning to the States and would voluntarily quarantine themselves. A week later, they were spotted getting take-out food in New Jersey, a decision that led to a mandatory quarantine and backlash from the general public.
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