• Sarah Ferguson Slams 'Sex Slave' Allegations Against Prince Andrew

    Prince Andrew has been knee-deep in scandal since before Christmas and he is even allowing his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson to help fight his battle for him. A woman named Virginia Roberts has alleged in a civil suit that admitted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein used her as a sex slave for various high-profile men, and one of those accused men is Andrew. Roberts has claimed that she was forced to have sex with the prince on three different occasions, all when she was under 18. Ferguson sat for an interview on this morning's, Jan. 13's, "Today" show, and during the segment she insisted to Matt Lauer that her ex has done nothing wrong and has nothing to hide. "I will have not one word said about him on any level, any level. I went to stand by him because I know what it feels like to have salacious lies made up about you," she said, calling the claims "just shockingly accusatory allegations." Ferguson also called Andrew "a great father and a humongously good man" and noted "all the work he does for Britain." "I won't stand by and let his character be defamed to this level," she said.
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