• 8 Great Songs With Fake-Out Endings

    Just like some movies have an extra scene after the end credits, some songs take a similarly experimental approach with their conclusions, by making the listeners think they've finished when they actually haven't. Here are eight great songs with fake-out endings.
  • 5 Lead Singles That Misrepresent Their Albums

    Choosing an album's lead single can be tricky. It should be a great song (but not the album's best) that accurately represents the sound of the album as a whole. However, these five artists chose lead singles for their albums that didn't quite sound like the album's other songs. Here are five lead singles that misrepresent their albums.
  • 6 Great Songs Blamed For Awful Things

    Even though music exists to bring joy into people's lives, there are still some incredible songs that have influenced (or have been blamed for) great tragedies. Here are six songs that have been blamed for awful things.
  • 5 Artists Whose Music Got Weirder As Their Fame Grew

    When an artist is struggling to find an audience, or if it wants to keep the audience it already has, there's always the temptation to "sell out" and soften its sound in order to maximize mainstream accessibility. However, these five artists did just the opposite by remaining popular even as their music became more bizarre.
  • 6 Albums Intended To Be The Artist's Last

    It's not very often that an artist or band can plan its final album. Most of the time, the band unexpectedly splits, or someone unexpectedly passes away, turning its most recent album into its last, even if it wasn't meant to be. However, these six albums were actually recorded with the intention of being the artist's last. Whether or not the artist actually kept this promise, though, is another story.
  • 6 Albums Released Shortly After The Band Split

    Though it takes just months (and sometimes weeks) to release an album after it's been recorded, that's plenty of time for a band to completely implode. Here are six albums that were released shortly after the band split up.
  • 7 Bands With More Than One Lead Singer

    When pinpointing a band's most famous member, you usually can't go wrong by choosing the lead singer. But what if the band doesn't have a lead singer? If a band has more than one songwriter, it typically has more than one lead singer, too. Here are seven bands with more than one lead singer.
  • 7 Artists Whose Top Selling Album Isn't Their Best

    With the news of Metallica's "Black Album" breaking the 16 million mark in sales, by far its most successful album, I began looking into the sales figures of other huge artists. What I found was that in many cases, an artist's top selling album isn't necessarily its best. Here are seven artists where that's precisely the case, starting with the band that inspired this list...
  • 7 Artists Who Could Have Been Sued for Plagiarism (But Weren't)

    Though there have been plenty of times when musicians were sued for plagiarizing one of their songs, this usually only happens when the song becomes a hit. Musicians steal from each other far more than you might think, and most of the time it isn't brought to court. Here are seven great artists who could have been sued for plagiarism, but weren't.
  • 7 Pairs of Albums with the Same Title: Which Is Better?

    A while back, I wrote an article comparing songs that happen to have the same title. Though two songs sharing the same title is fairly common (I could rewrite that list many times over with new songs), two albums sharing a title doesn't happen nearly as much. Let's unfairly compare some albums whose only similarities are their titles.
  • 7 Artists Who Recruited Old Bandmates For Solo Albums

    When musicians leave their bands and go on to record solo albums, it seems like their former bandmates would be the last people they'd want to help out. However, these seven musicians actually recruited their old bandmates to perform on their solo albums.
  • 6 Bands Who Shouldn't Have Switched Producers

    It's usually a good idea to try out new things, especially when it comes to music, but these six bands probably should have stuck with the producers who brought out their best sound.
  • 7 Album Covers That Are Homages to Other Albums

    Musicians steal from each other all the times, whether it comes to lyrics, riffs, fashion, or in this case, album covers. Here are seven album covers that are homages (or rip-offs) to other albums.
  • 6 Songs with Studio Banter

    There are probably thousands of hours of recording studio banter between musicians that have been thrown away by engineers, but sometimes, artists choose to leave these little bits of conversation in the album's finished version. Here are six songs that have studio banter in them.
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