• CBS Ready to Go Dark on Dish Network This Thursday if Carriage Deal Isn't Reached

    As many as 14 million Dish Network subscribers could find themselves without access to CBS's programming if a new contract isn't in place by 7pm on Thursday. The network claims to have worked hard with Dish Network to reach a new agreement for carriage and at this point, they'd rather go dark than stay stuck in the limbo that they are currently sitting in. CBS officially issued a statement today explaining their perspective.
  • AMC Uses 'Walking Dead' Fans to Push DirecTV to Renew Contract Before Blackout

    "The Walking Dead" may be equaling ratings gold for AMC since its return to the Sunday night line-up, with the series actually topping "Sunday Night Football," but there is actually some trouble brewing behind the scenes. The network first tipped off fans last night to the fact that its current contract with DirecTV as a carrier is set to expire in a few weeks. While you would think the provider would be jumping through hoops to secure AMC Networks, that simply is not the case.
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