• Reese Witherspoon Has Never Been Anyone's 'Sweetheart'

    January is definitely Reese Witherspoon's month for covering magazines. Chalk it up to the fact that her career is booming with new films such as "Wild" dropping and Oscar buzz surrounding "Gone Girl," a film she produced. It is no wonder that Witherspoon is gracing the U.K. edition of "Harper's Bazaar" in a 1950s-inspired photo shoot. She also gets real in the January 2015 issue of "Glamour," where she takes on that whole notion of being "America's sweetheart." "I certainly didn't self-identify as anyone's sweetheart. I'm friendly, but I don't think I'm sweet. I'm honest. I don't think I realized [in my 20s] that no one else makes you whole. You have to take responsibility for your own happiness. That took me until I was about 31 to know. It wasn't easy to realize, 'Oh, wait, I am purely responsible [for my life]' — no relationship, no children, no nothing is going to make you a happy person. Every day you have to choose to find and cultivate your own happiness," says Witherspoon.
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