• Intuitively Yours, Karlheinz Stockhausen

    The Aughts were especially tough on Modernism. Starting in 2001, we lost Iannis Xenakis. In 2003, Luciano Berio passed on. Three years later, György Ligeti expired in Vienna, and two years shy of making contact, Mauricio Kagel had...
  • Paul Lansky's Menschen Machine Music

    For the uninitiated, Princeton University's Dr. Paul Lansky would appear the very epitome of ivory towered pretension, peering down from his endowed chair with the Ivy's best derision. He's been writing computer music well before there..
  • Gödel, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Braid at 34

    Despite the best efforts of would-be interdisciplinarians throughout Euclidean space and Cartesian time--from antiquity's Pythagoreans, to Leonard Meyer's Chicago cohorts of the '60s, to the acolytes of Douglas R. Hofstadter's Bloomington colloquia--music, science and
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