• Renuka Reddy Bankulla was the Anesthesiologist Involved in Joan Rivers Botched Procedure

    The series of events leading up to the unexpected and untimely death of Joan Rivers are quite complicated, mainly because the staff at Yorkville Endoscopy Center have worked really hard to keep things as under wraps as possible. We have gotten the distinct impression that Melissa Rivers' legal team has been slowly but surely piecing things together themselves because very few details have been willingly handed over. The media has been all over this from the beginning because it has always seemed like malpractice was involved. Today we've learned that the anesthesiologist in that procedure room with Joan was a woman named Renuka Reddy Bankulla.
  • Joan Rivers's Doctors Waited 14 Minutes As Vitals Crashed Before Calling 911

    Slowly but surely, as time goes on we are learning more about the simple endoscopic procedure that ultimately resulted in the death of Joan Rivers in September. In late August, the comedienne checked into the Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic in Manhattan to have a simple, routine procedure done. As pieces of the puzzle have been put together, it now seems that not only was Rivers given far too much Propofol to sedate her, but that her doctors continued to scope her even when her vitals dropped to dangerous levels. According to a new report by Page Six, workers at Yorkville waited for 14 whole minutes before calling 911 after she went into shock. Rather than stopping their procedure, Drs. Lawrence Cohen and Gwen Korovin continued to scope Rivers's larynx rather than begin to administer CPR. When they reportedly did begin trying to resuscitate Rivers, they wasted 10 minutes in failed attempts before calling in additional help. All of these little details are no doubt devastating to Rivers's daughter Melissa Rivers. They will also only help to bolster the malpractice lawsuit that she already has hired a bulldog law firm putting together. Rivers may have been in her 80s, but it has become painfully clear that her death was unnecessary at this particular point in time.
  • Melissa Rivers to Sue Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic Over Joan Rivers's Botched Biopsy That Led to Cardiac Arrest

    Melissa Rivers deciding to file a malpractice lawsuit against the Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic was probably inevitable, given the facts that have been learned. Joan Rivers was admitted to the facility for a routine endoscopy on her throat and she never regained consciousness after being put under sedation and suffering cardiac arrest. Joan Rivers had never signed off on any paperwork authorizing a biopsy should the doctor's have found anything while she was unconscious, and the fact is that Dr. Gwen Korovin opted to perform one anyway.
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